DEHOGA Rhineland-Palatinate
The DEHOGA Rhineland-Palatinate as a strategic partner of the Convention Bureau Rhineland-Palatinate

The Hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA) is the professional association of restaurateurs and hoteliers. Behind the DEHOGA stands a growing service industry with the hospitality industry and a strong part of the economy, mostly of medium-sized character. The hospitality companies represent a high-performance, unique diversity and make a significant contribution to the quality of life and of location in our state.
The hospitality industry in Rhineland-Palatinate is the largest employer after the public sector and has a not inconsiderable share of the tourist market. Gastronomy and hotels are loyal to the location and, with a view beyond the industry boundaries, secure a significant number of jobs. Every fourth family lives directly or indirectly from tourism.
The fact is: The hospitality industry is the business card of Rhineland-Palatinate and the main service provider of the tourism industry, which is one of the central economic sectors of our rural federal state. The hospitality industry is more than a job engine and economic power. Our industry stands for quality of life and a culture of indulgence, as well as for places to meet and socialise. We create unforgettable moments and experiences as a service personally and directly for our guests.
In addition to our lobbying work for the Rhineland-Palatinate hospitality industry, we focus on a variety of services for our members. Legal advice as well as business advice are to be emphasized as services. DEHOGA Rhineland-Palatinate offers a wide network of partners in politics, business and the public and is the first point of contact for all questions relating to the hospitality industry. As a competent discussion and negotiation partner, we are committed to the development of the hospitality industry that is supported by entrepreneurial success and is based on the social market economy. As a modern service association, we work hand in hand with each other at district, state and federal level.